April 8, 2016

How to Fix an Antique Clock Not Striking the Correct Time

You may come home some day to find that you forgot to wind your clock and it has run down. Then when you wind it up it no longer strikes the correct time.  Antique clocks have a habit of getting out of sync when they run down.  Fortunately, if all else is working well with the clock, the solution is fairly simple.
  1. With both the time and strike arbors fully wound, move the minute hand clockwise to the "12" and count how many times the clock strikes,  This is the time of day the clock "thinks" it is.
  2. Move the hour hand to the number representing how many times the clock just struck. Unlike the minute hand, the hour hand is held in place by friction.  Therefore, you can rotate it either clockwise or counter-clockwise without damaging the clock.  If the hour hand is too lose to hold its place after you move it, press on its flange at the center of the dial to tighten it.
  3. The clock is now in sync but probably doesn't represent the correct time of day.  Move the minute hand clockwise until you reach the correct time.  Be sure to allow it to finish every strike sequence or it will be out of sync again.
  4. Once you have reached the correct time, start the clock and you are finished.

Bonus Tip!

If you think you will be away long enough that your clock will run down, you can avoid the striking getting out of sync by stopping the clock before you leave.  Then when you return from your trip, start the clock back  up and set it to the correct time.

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